
Structured Products

Last update, October 14

The following Structured Products are available.

CFI Code Products
DS xxxx Structured products with capital protection
DE xxxx Structured products without capital protection

CFI Code Attributes
DS A xxx Capital Protection Certificate with Participation
DS B xxx Capital Protection Convertible Certificate
DS C xxx Barrier Capital Protection Certificate
DS D xxx Capital Protection Certificate with Coupons
DE A xxx Discount Certificate
DE B xxx Barrier Discount Certificate
DE C xxx Reverse Convertible
DE D xxx Barrier Reverse convertible
DS/DE x F xx Fixed Interest Payments
DS/DE x V xx Variable Interest Payments
DS/DE x Y xx No Payments
DS xx F x Fixed Cash Repayment
DS xx V x Variable Fixed Cash Repayment
DE xx R x Repayment in Cash
DE xx S x Repayment in Assets
DE xx C x Repayment in Assets and Cash
DE xx T x Repayment in Assets or Cash
Underlying Asset
DS/DE xxx B Baskets
DS/DE xxx S Equities
DS/DE xxx D Debt Instruments / Interest Rates
DS/DE xxx T Commodities
DS/DE xxx C Currencies
DS/DE xxx I Indices
DS/DE xxx M Others

CFI Codes correspond to the ISO CFI Standard (ISO 10962:2021 - Securities and related financial instruments - Classification of financial instruments (CFI) code).